

Shipping methods outside of Japan

Pura vida Nostriches!
There are only 25 days left until Nostrasia. Is everyone ready?

Today, I would like to introduce how to purchase my products for those who want to ship them.

This site is accepting pre-orders for those who can pick up the product directly from me at the Nostrasia Tokyo venue. However, I have received some requests from people who can't come to Japan but wish to get products . I personally run the Nostopus Delivery service, so I can't deal with shipping. Therefore, instead, I will introduce a method of shipping from the product manufacturer's shopping site.

Nostopus Delivery Factory Store at SUZURI

Most of Nostopus Delivery's products are made using a service called SUZURI.

SUZURI is equipped with the item purchase agency service "WorldShopping". Therefore, if you purchase from SUZURI, it is possible to ship the product outside of Japan.

【 Nostopus Delivery Factory Store 】by あわゆき ( awayuki ) | Online shopping for original items ∞ SUZURI

How to purchase at SUZURI and WorldShopping

Also, yutaro has written a detailed article on how to use SUZURI. Please refer to these too! (Thanks, yutaro!!!)

Bitcoin & Nostr Original T-shirts (Items) | STACK SATS


  • Products cannot be purchased with Bitcoin. Please use payment methods such as credit cards.
  • Since WorldShopping is a proxy purchasing service, delivery may take many days.
  • Shipping charges will also apply. sorry.

I hope it reaches everyone who has sent love messages to my products...
